This is just when Jesus asks to borrow his boat. For the crowds are pushing in on Jesus eager to hear more of his preaching and teaching. Such a simple request, but it leads to so much more.
Read Luke 5: 1-11 to hear the story of this tired fisherman and the miracle Jesus hands him.
There is lots of drama in this story. I can envision Simon Peter sitting quietly as Jesus continues to teach. Simon may think this is all that Jesus wants from him. But oh no!
When the teaching is done, Jesus directs Simon to pull out into the deep water. It's only natural for Simon Peter to protest: "Master, (notice he acknowledges Jesus as a learned one) we've been fishing hard all night and haven't caught even a minnow." Can't you just hear the tiredness, sense of defeat, such despair in Peter's voice? But this is Jesus after all and Simon proceeds to let out his nets into the deep water. Immediately the nets are full to straining with such a huge haul of fish that Peter has to call for help from his fishing buddies so the boats won't swamp. Realizing that Jesus is more than just Master, Simon falls to his knees. Simon realizes that he's in the company of his Lord. The other disciples, James and John are also in awe with fear and trembling. And as Jesus so often does, he calms them with his words: "Do not fear."
And it's at the end of this drama that we see the REAL MIRACLE: All three men leave their most successful catch behind. On the night of their most abundant fishing, they walk away. They choose to walk with Jesus.
Questions for us are, "Are we ready or willing to see Jesus when we're at our most tired or our most despairing? What is the cost of our discipleship? What are we willing to give up or leave behind in order to walk with Jesus when Jesus calls? What has been the miracle in your life with Jesus?"