Monday, January 26, 2015

Wales' Tales 1/26/15

Somehow April slipped right in
As January grows so thin,
The weather sings a song of spring,
And life abounds with birds on wing.
But to the East a storm now brews,
Reminding us with wintery news
That we are still in winter’s hold,
Our burst of spring can turn to cold
In just a moment, wind can change,
Returning us to breezes strange.
Amidst the warmth and sunny days,
There is the promise winter plays.
A time of snow and frigid cold
With blizzard winds so strong and bold,
To chill our bodies, cool our souls,
And drive us into warmer holes
Where fires blaze and blankets wrap,
And let us worry that the tap
Might freeze up solid if it hap
To be so cold that we will shake
Afraid that we ourselves might break,
For as we know in Kansas state
To change the weather we must wait
An hour or two is all we need,
To see a change that we might plead
To go away – don’t come right now
Oh never mind, here comes the plow!
So let’s enjoy the warmth we’ve got,
Don’t think about what we have not
For though this weather may soon cease,
At least we know we’ve got God’s…

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wales' Tales

After a week of wintery cold,
A promise of thaw is a thought to behold.
A chance to de-ice when we know what’s the norm,
Allows us to slough off the wind and the storm.
You don’t have to shovel when springs in the air,
When skies are bright blue and the temperatures fair.
We’ll break out light jackets and put away gloves,
For this is the weather that everyone loves.
But a thought in our mind lurks in shadows so deep
That reminds us that winter is only asleep.
For we live in Kansas, where weather is fickle.
To bet on the springtime ain’t worth a plug nickel.
For somewhere up north, a frigid wind waits
To put snow and ice on our newly cleaned plates.
An arctic vortex is just smacking its lips,
Preparing to move when the coin finally flips.
A wind from the north will then start to blow
With promise of snow fall and temps ten below.
But that’s just ol’ Kansas, the usual change
Extreme from one kind just isn’t that strange.
That’s why we grow tough and survive as we do,
For early in life we learn nothing’s new
With regular change of days that go by.
No use in complaining, so why even try.
We just need remember that if we just wait,
A change in the weather will be our next fate.
And as we expect the nice weather to cease,
We pick up our scarves, and enjoy God’s sure…

Monday, January 5, 2015

Wales' Tales 01/05/15

The start of a new year is always a treat,
A time to rejoice, to hear a new beat,
A time full of hope for what lies ahead,
And yet every new year is oft filled with dread.
Who knows what will happen as months move along?
Who knows who is weak and who will be strong?
What dangers appear in the dark of the night?
And where will we discover a source of delight?
A new year is always a mixture of fears,
A wonderment ready to bring us to tears.
For we cannot know how the days will proceed,
We’re caught in the flow, and don’t know what will lead
Us into disaster or unbounded joy,
We truly can’t guess what each day will employ
To bring us temptation, or help us to be
The hero or villain in life’s mystery.
And if we have nothing to trust but ourselves,
We never are sure what is left on the shelves
Of the skills and resources that we have to use
In facing the future to win or to lose.
But when we discover that God’s by our side,
We just might consider reducing our pride,
And trust in God’s presence to help us get through
The challenge and struggle that we run into.
For we’re not alone in facing today,
Nor facing the future that’s headed our way.
With God ever present, we know we can last,
For God was our strength in the days that are past.
And should things be different, and life were to cease,
We know in the end, we’ll reside in God’s…