Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Wales' Tales 7/7/15

The patter of little feet resounds
Down every hall and stairway,
The children of our day camp week
Might even scare the midway
Of carnivals and circuses
Which bring the big top here,
But just because there’s noise and joy
There’s nothing here to fear.
The kids are learning about God,
And sharing, games and fun,
Exuberance is what they’ve got,
You ought to see them run!
They’re full of life and energy,
And seek to use each moment
To fill the church with joyous noise,
With laughter, shouts and movement.
It’s just five days to do it all.
To fill the week with learning
With waterslide and archery,
Beneath the sun, skin’s burning.
But with the staff of Heartland Camp,
To guide the kids each morning,
There is no time to stop and sit,
Occasionally a warning,
To be the people God intends,
 No bullying or bragging,
Just having fun and being fair,
No grumbling or dragging.
And in the process with the help
Of Trinity volunteers,
Each kid receives the grace of God
To wipe away the tears.
So, as the chaos moves along,
We know the camp will cease,
And in its wake, good memories
And thoughts of love and …

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wales' Tales 7/1/15

Sparklers gleaming in the night
Sky rockets bursting – What a sight!
Firecrackers’ loud report
Just the thing that we resort
To tell the world that we are free,
Free to live as you and me.
Free to seek our path in life,
Free from fear and free from strife,
And within our God blessed land
There are those who proudly stand
To guard the freedom we enjoy,
Ready if they must deploy
To nations near and far away
Never sure how long they’ll stay
Putting life and limb at risk
Asking nothing more than this
That we who live in this fair place
Should find a way to share the grace
That we have promised to each one
Reminding each what was begun
On that Fourth so long ago
Has helped this nation stretch and grow.
The right to speak, and meet and pray
The chance to live in peace each day,
To work and learn, to hope for more,
To find fair treatment under law.
To proudly stand for who we are,
To own a home, to buy a car.
To disagree on issues wide,
To try to see the other side,
Respect the others who might live
A way that’s different and still give
The opportunity to share
The chance to grow, the chance to care.
So take a moment from the fun,
To think about what has been won,
These words of promise will increase
So that the whole world might live in…