Monday, October 12, 2015

Wales' Tales 10/12/15

Colored leaves go dancing
Down the wind-blown street.
Kids make preparations
For yelling “Trick or Treat!”
Smoke curls out of chimneys
As the days grow cool,
Time to take the screens down,
Cover up the pool.
Memories come flooding
As the days go past
Bringing back the moments
of shadows that were cast
by the words of loved ones,
Laughter, joy and tears,
All the things which happened
In the passing years.
Shadows by the window,
Meals spread cross the board,
All the hopes of living
Wishing we could hoard
All the cherished fun times
Living does provide,
Thinking of the loved ones
Who once did sit beside.
Cuddled ‘neath the blanket
Spread upon the laps,
Putting on warm mittens
And soft woolen caps,
Walking in the twilight,
Watching the sun set,
Filled with autumn color
Times we can’t forget.
Staring at the stars above,
In the chilly night,
Recognizing God’s sure love,
Delighting in the sight
of wonder and renewal,
of joy that will not cease,
sharing in the comfort of
God’s unending…

Monday, October 5, 2015

Wales' Tales 10/5/15

Ever wonder why the world is round instead of square?
Ever wonder why great weather’s only known as fair?
Ever see the sun go down in colorful array
And wonder why it has to wait until the end of day?
Lots of things in this old world will make you question why?
For things get jumbled quite a bit beneath the clear blue sky.
As human beings we are caught with how things really are,
Not always making sense to us, like wishing on a star.
Stars don’t have abilities to change the path of life,
They can’t affect the choice you make ‘bout husband, child or wife.
Yet still we keep on wishing on that light up in the sky,
Just hoping that our dream comes true. It seems we have to try.
Much harder is to face the fact that we’re not in control,
That life goes on in spite of us, no matter what the toll.
The earth is round. It will not change. That’s just the way it is.
And Alka Seltzer goes plop, plop and then begins to fizz.
It’s God who chooses how things go, in spite of what we think.
God chose to make the birds to fly and not the kitchen sink.
God surely knew that human beings would chose the path of sin,
And throw away a paradise instead of staying in.
And yet God’s love for you and me continues to this day.
God reaches out and holds us close, and listens as we pray.
God understands when we rebel, when we think we’re on top,
And tries to help us rise and stand when we are prone to flop.
But human minds will question “why?” until the world shall cease,
And God will never take away that Love that brings us…