Tuesday, November 15, 2011

When Judgment is a Good Word

When we have our temperature taken - when we receive a report card - when we step onto the bathroom scale -when we go to our annual review - when Mom says, "Sit down, we need to talk" - we realize that life is full of times of judgment. Sometimes we learn we need some meds or more exercise or less pie. Sometimes we receive an A and sometimes a D or F. Sometimes we receive praise and sometimes criticism with suggestions for improvement.

Read Ezekiel 34: 11-16 and Matthew 25: 31-46 for two stories about the role of leadership (shepherds and kings) who are major players in our times of judgment. Whether it's God as shepherd king or Jesus as shepherd king, we answer to both when we pause at times of judgment to learn how we're doing in our discipling - in our faithful living. The Bible gives us mixed messages about the nature of their kingship.

In Ezekiel, we see God as shepherd king who provides us with protection and nuture and salvation. But God also declares that God will judge between the fat and the lean sheep - between those who butt the weak and those who don't. In Matthew, Jesus declares that he will judge whether we choose to act to grow more and more into his likeness by how we treat the lost, lame, and least of these.

Why are these two scriptures good news? First, God is among us in Jesus - in the ugly, messy parts of life, wherever the needy (you and me and the least among us) cry out. Second, Jesus' judgment comes so that we can change our priorities and our choices. Jesus' judgment gives us chance after chance - choice after choice - to become more faithful in our following by looking for the face of Jesus in those we call other.

As we conclude our "Kingdom of Heaven: Here and Now" sermon series, the judgment rendered by the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, reveals God's reign among us. As we look and listen and respond with loving, caring acts, we draw closer to recognizing the reign of Christ here and now. Recognizing and participating in the kingdom of heaven is the abundant life that is God's shalom - God's will and wish - for all of us.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Shelley

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