When you graduated (high school/college/graduate school), what was your best ever or most meaningful parting gift? When you prepared to take your first job, what was the most comforting gift? When you moved into your first neighborhood, what was your most practical gift?...............As we change our neighborhoods (not just where we live, but also our community and network support system), what are our fears? How do we cope with a perceived lack of control? What do we experience as we change directions or change our stages of life? Who and what do we need?
Jesus is all too aware that his processional toward death means he's leaving his disciples behind to function without him. The Gospel of John 14: 23-29 is part of Jesus' farewell to his disciples as he makes promises to them and on their behalf. Jesus promises his and his Father's love for those who obey his Word and follow him. Jesus promises the presence of the Holy Spirit as Advocate - ie. Friend, Comforter, Counselor. And Jesus promises a peace that does not mimic the world's peace (absence of turmoil, violence, and war), but a peace that is above and beyond whatever the world might provide. Jesus promises a peace that offers both comfort for troubled hearts and courage in the midst of our fears.
Jesus' words seem unrealistic when he says, "Do not let our hearts be troubled." Really? In the midst of endless wars worldwide, terrorism, recession fears, fighting over immigration and gun control and abortion - we're told not to worry? Peace as the world gives implies that all these worries will be washed away and that our fears will cease. But Jesus says, "My peace I give to you. I do not give it as the world gives." Jesus doesn't promise that our fears or worries or brokenness will cease. Instead Jesus promises that the power and presence of the Holy Spirit enables us to tread through turmoil confident that our timidity will be replaced with courage. The Holy Spirit empowers Christ followers to cling to their faith as our driving force, knowing that we can endure and face our future with expectation about the possibilities and cling to hope, knowing we are children of God.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Shelley
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