Monday, August 25, 2014

Wales' Tales 08/25/14

The storms of life come bursting through,
And we are tossed and turned,
The heat of summer rages high
And often leaves us burned.
The quaking earth, the raging sea,
The din of war and fear,
Reminds us that this world of ours
Is filled with paths unclear.
We want to find the easy road,
So safe and so secure,
And yet we know, ‘tis just a dream
For nothing is that sure.
Just when we think we’re in control
The world begins to spin,
And we discover new events
That change the world we’re in.
But still we strive to keep things calm,
To stay on even keel,
Despite the fact that in our hearts,
The surge of life we feel.
It seems the world is much the same
As it was long ago,
But we fool ourselves if we believe
That it is always so.
Each passing day brings new events
That challenge what we know,
And we adapt or fall behind.
We choose to sit or grow.
Our growing is what God suggests
Should be our choice in life,
To seek to flow where Christ leads
Through challenge, change and strife.
And if we grow all through our lives
Until our breath shall cease,
We will discover that we grew
Right into God’s sure…

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wales' Tales 8/19/14

It’s too bad that justice in never assured
Because it is so hard to do,
For power and money and prestige and hate,
Can stand in the way for the few.
The little guy caught at the end of his rope,
The child who gets in the way;
The innocent victim of whatever act
Is often required to pay
The ultimate price for just being there -
The target of violent hands,
Who really don’t care if justice is served
And nobody else understands.
For justice ignored will allow hate to burn,
as insults are tossed to and fro,
Injustice can make even wise men react
In a way that can let anger grow.
The rational law of a nation at peace,
Can seem to protect one and all,
But because of the nature of sin in our lives,
Real justice is lost since the Fall.
We only want justice when it comes to us,
The others are left in the cold.
If we feel all right than it isn’t our call,
When the poor and sick have to fold.
The prophets have said “Let Justice roll down
In rivers, an unending stream.”
For those who are faithful to God’s steady call
This promise is more than a dream.
We choose to continue our journey to mercy
Our efforts and prayers never cease
Until Justice reigns in the hearts of us all
As we live in God’s goodness and …

Monday, August 11, 2014

Wales' Tales 8/11/2014

Ever do a foolish thing
And wish you hadn’t dun it?
Ever say an angry word
And wish that you could shun it?
Ever had an unkind thought
That wouldn’t go away?
Ever try to hear your friend
And let your mind just stray?
It’s so easy to allow
A wrong to seem “all right”
Or stand aside as tempers flare
And let combatants fight.
To be involved requires cost
But so does standing by.
Yet doing something
When you must
At least admits a “try.”
But we’re afraid of foolish things,
Of looking like we’re wrong
We fake an image of support
But really not that strong.
And even worse when things are told
Is when we show our pride.
Instead of being quite forthright
Our foibles we will hide.
We make mistakes. We rise and fall.
Perfection’s not our way.
And for our pride and stubbornness
A heavy price we pay.
Admitting that we are at fault -
That we just didn’t listen
Can make a problem go away,
And let our visage glisten.
To let a sin remain in place
In us or others, too
Will cause our world to fall apart
No matter what we do.
But when we choose to right the wrong,
To ask on bended knee,
Forgiveness has a chance to come
And grace to set us free.
So take the time to pray for strength
And let your pride release.
Take heart and know that God is near
To grant you joy and …

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Walking on Water

When was the last time you encountered Jesus? Was it when you or a loved one was diagnosed with an illness? Or almost being in a car accident? Was it when you were in the midst of your own personal storm, a chaotic point in your life when you felt alone? Did you recognize Jesus in the moment? Were you surprised when He showed up? Or are you still waiting to see Him? 

Jesus had just fed the great crowds with merely a few loaves and fishes. He retreats to his prayer life on a mountain and sends the disciples along the way. As the boat gets away from shore, a wind storm picks up. With fishermen on the boat, they knew what to do – it happens a lot in their weather pattern. Yet fear takes hold of the disciples when they see a ghost walking toward them on the waters. Even after seeing Jesus perform a miraculous feeding, the disciples still don’t understand who Jesus is. After Jesus reassures them that it is Him (and it is God), Peter decides to step out of the boat and walk on water like Jesus. However, he looks to the waves and starts to slip beneath the water. His doubt at that moment is greater than his faith.

Storms are a part of life; but it’s when Jesus unexpectedly shows up that we get a little afraid. Ironically enough, even in the presence of Jesus, we (like Peter) doubt what he can really do. We doubt that Jesus will really show up. And because of that doubt, we choose to stay in the boat – we choose to stay with the familiar instead of stepping out in faith.

The Triniteens and I have recently returned from our mission trip to Goodland Academy in Hugo, Oklahoma. Stories and photos will be up in the parlor on Sunday, as well as part of worship. As we got to know the students at Goodland, I believe I see them as Peters. These boys have encountered Jesus through the love and care of their houseparents, teachers, and staff at Goodland. So they are willing to step out of the boat in their chaotic life, to take a risk to improve their lives. Those boys have stepped out in faith, moving away from home and learning how to be a family.

The Triniteens and I were like the disciples in the boat, getting to witness the miracles that Jesus is working in the lives at Goodland. And because of their act of faith, we too are saved – we too are transformed. We too get to encounter Jesus, even where it surprises us – in the laugh of a sixth grade boy, in the friendships between strangers that instantly form, in the cool rainy weather at the end of July.

So where have you seen Jesus? Are you in the boat, witnessing the grace and salvation of Jesus? Are you stepping out in faith, willing to test the stormy waters? Jesus is more than a man, more than a miracle worker, more than a good teacher. He is our Savior, the one who shows up when no one else will; the one who constantly offers us grace and unconditional love. As the Psalm says, "seek his presence continually. Remember the wonderful works he has done." Thanks be to God for our Savior who walks on water.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Kate

Monday, August 4, 2014

Wales' Tales 8/4/14

The Dog Days of summer are just about gone,
And school bells are ready to ring,
And life in the fast lane begins once again,
Who knows what that future will bring?
Already our calendars start to fill up
With all sorts of things we must do.
And why we’re so busy is anyone’s guess,
For many, we haven’t a clue.
Perhaps it’s the pace of a fast growing world.
Perhaps it’s because of our dread
Of sitting alone without something to do
Or because of some stuff that we read.
To sit and be idle without our TV’s,
Or cellphones or computer screens
Suggests that we’re somehow afraid
Of the noise in our minds that occasionally screams.
A noise that suggests we’re alone and afraid,
Disconnected and cut off from life;
A jumble of thoughts that well up from our soul
Which reveal inner turmoil and strife.
Our so busy world is afraid of a place
Where silence can speak to within,
A place where the rhythm of life can be heard,
Where deep thoughts can get under our skin.
With questions like “Why”, of purpose and need,
Asking for meaning and light,
A place where the voice of God can be heard
That pierces the darkness of night.
Before summer ends and the race gets it start,
Take time to just sit and release
All the noise of our culture that fills up our lives,
And discover the joy of God’s…