Monday, February 2, 2015

Wales' Tales 020215

The sun is shining, bright and bold,
But let me tell you, it is cold!
The temp was sitting right at 7
Cold enough, my life to leaven.
When it’s frigid like today
We know that there are ways to pay
For all the heat we did enjoy,
When balmy temps we did employ.
I thought of golf, of raking leaves
Of taking down the Christmas sheaves.
But now, I’m sitting in my room
Filled with an unsettling gloom
Because the break that we once knew
Was just a tease of winter’s clue
To make us think that cold is past
That surely winter cannot last,
But as the ground hog sees his cast
Upon the snow that holds him fast
He promises we got six more
We know what winter has in store.
More ice and snow,
More winds that blow,
The cold that chills the nose and toe.
It pushes spring a long way off,
Before our scarves and gloves we’ll doff
But since we know that spring will come
It helps relieve the numbing some.
So we will wait for warmer days,
When trees will bud and sunlight plays
On grass that growing green and strong
And birds repeat their summer song.
So, find a book and blanket warm,
Avoid the wind and blustery storm.
With cup of cocoa, chills release,
And watch the snow, enjoy the …

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