Monday, December 22, 2014

Wales' Tales

Another year has “bit the dust”
And one’s about to start,
We say good-bye to Twenty 14,
A year close to my heart.
A whole year spent with Trinity,
A year so full of change
That looking forward to the next
Will feel a little strange.
We said good-bye to Pastor Kate
Who ministered so well,
And now she’s headed on her own,
In Texas for a spell.
We spent the year in ministry,
through Lent and Easter, too
through VBS, Day Camp and more
My! How the time just flew!
Before we knew it, it was fall,
To start the new church year,
And in a flash, ‘twas Trunk or Treat,
As Advent moved so near,
And now our Christmas time has come
And soon, it too, will pass,
The winter winds will blow and snow,
It’s mantle cast.
And then as spring once more appears,
Another change will come,
The PNC will then inform that
They have heard from some
Whom God has chosen for the work
To pastor Trinity,
And that will mean it’s almost time
To hear good-bye from me.
But what a joy to serve with you
Until that time will cease,
I’ll be around to preach and teach
And share God’s word of …

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wales' Tales 12/15/14

Visions of snowflakes, tinsel and candy,
Popcorn and presents, all of them handy
To make our experience loving and bright
Helping to celebrate one special night.
All of the color, the songs and the candles
Even the music that we know as Handel’s
Try to express the feeling of rapture
That hopes to allow us to finally capture
The joy of the ages, the promise now coming
That beats in our hearts, magnificent drumming
A rhythm in nature that speaks of tomorrow,
The good news of hope that erases our sorrow,
For on this great day, we celebrate birth,
A vision from heaven that comes to this earth
To take away hatred, to heal the down-hearted
To take us all back to the time when it started
A Garden of Eden has now been restored,
Because of this child in which mercy is poured.
The chasm that sin has created ere long,
Erased by the power of love ever strong.
This baby has come to set us all free,
That we might become what we were to be.
It starts in a stable, he stands by the Sea,
His message of life is for folks just like me.
He speaks to the heart, to deep in the soul,
And promises each that they can be made whole.
But those who reject him, who just do not see,
Will put him to death by nails on a tree.
But death will not hold him
He springs back to life,
To end human struggle and end human strife.
And all of it starts with this humble increase,
And ends with the promise of eternal…

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wales' Tales 12/1/14

Learning how to wrap a gift
Is such a special art.
You take some paper and a bow,
That’s how you have to start.
You fold the corners neat and square,
Make sure the edges meet,
And carefully adjust the crease,
And then, you must repeat.
The process moves from side to side
And then from end to end,
And somehow as you make the folds
The paper will not bend.
The scotch tape sticks to everything,
The bow then comes untied.
I sense the pressure building up,
At least I know I tried.
On Christmas morn, it doesn’t look
As if someone had worked,
With paper torn and bows askew
As though an imp had lurked
Beneath the tree to make things worse,
Perhaps a child at play,
Would turn this present upside down,
A rather poor display.
But I did try to show my love
By wrapping it myself,
In taking time to buy and give,
Not left upon the shelf.
I should have followed the advice
Of the girl behind the counter,
“Let me wrap it for you, sir”
Much better to encounter
A friendly smile, a gifted hand,
And skill to wrap the present,
On Christmas Day, I’d look quite good,
A winner, not a peasant.
But then again, I really tried,
My guilt I can release.
Though carnage is beneath the Tree,
My gift’s a gift of…