Monday, March 30, 2015

Wales' Tales 3/30/15

The glint of sunrise on the hill,
The garden wet with dew,
The woman walking on the path,
How quick the night hours flew!
With tears now running down her cheek,
Her arms their burden bear,
Unsure of how to face the task
That made her travel there.
The darkness hid the rock hewn tomb
Amid the budding trees,
But there the stone was rolled away!
It brought her to her knees.
Who dared to roll that stone away?
Who dared to fool with death!
How could they fail to know the pain
That came with this man’s death!
But looking up into the grave
She saw the rumpled cloth
The napkin which had hid his face,
Her anger rose to froth.
They took his body from the tomb,
An insult to her pain,
What choice was made to make such fun?
What did they hope to gain?
But then a voice so loud and clear
Proclaimed, “He is not dead.
You seek the one who lives again!”
Just as he always said.
Three days in death was not enough
To keep him in the tomb,
He rose to life, defeating death
And lifting human gloom.
His resurrection soon became
The trumpet call of Hope
Reminding those who hear the sound
That all in faith can cope
With trials great and trials small,
Their fears of death release,
With Jesus to provide the way
To God’s unending…

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wales' Tales 03/24/15

How do rabbits, eggs and beans
Tells us what the season means?
All the stuff that seems so good
Is now not really understood.
We hide the eggs, with colors bright,
In hopes of giving some insight
To help explain the Easter tale,
But meaning’s lost beyond the vale
Of knowing what was dearly given,
Why a cross where nails were driven
Into arms outstretched in pain,
What was there for us to gain?
The cost to pay the price for sin
Required sacrifice to win
A battle over death and fear,
Allowing us to dare draw near
To one who did the world create.
Who conquered to remove the hate
That separated us from God.
So willingly the path he trod
That led to darkest Calvary,
To be then nailed upon a tree
By those he came to heal and save,
For them his life he freely gave.
So, finding truth in what we know,
Allows us to regain the flow
Of mercy that will never cease,
As we receive God’s gift of…

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wales' Tales 3/18/15

Oh, if we could just see Jesus
Teaching on the hill,
Or holding children on his knee,
Or tell the waves be still.
If only we could see the Lord
With healing in his touch,
A glimpse of him at work or play
Would really mean so much.
To walk the roads that Jesus did,
To see him face to face,
Would make the task of following
Increase our faithful pace.
We’d go to see the hillside where
He fed the hungry crowd.
We’d have a chance to see him
And to hear the joyful crowd
That welcomed him that Sunday morn
With palm branch in their hand.
Perhaps we’d see the upper room
That Maundy Thursday eve,
To eat the bread and taste the wine
And never want to leave.
But then we’d have to stay awake
As he began to pray
And recognize the danger there
And wonder if we’d stay
To see the soldiers seeking him
And watch that single kiss -
A part of Holy Week’s refrain
A part we’d chose to miss.
Then on to trials much too hard
to see with our own eyes,
To know the fear and trembling
The source of Peter’s lies.
And then the cross upon that hill
Where Death believed it won,
To conquer him, the source of life,
To stop God’s only son.
Yes, we would like to see this man
And yet our wish might cease
When we would face the cost of sin
God’s gift, the Prince of …

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wales' Tales 3/4/15

A bird sat on my window sill
To greet me just this morning.
A sound of spring, so bright and clear
Without a hint of warning
That maybe snow might come again
That winter was not over.
Its song suggested change was near,
That fields might turn to clover.
And near the fence some croci tips
Were poking from the ground
Adding to the joyous trill
That filled my ears with sound.
Amazing how the world just knows
That time for change is here,
That snow will cease and sun will shine,
We need not fret nor fear.
And high above a flock of geese
Were heading to the north,
They too knew the change at hand
Would let them sally forth
To build their nests and lay their eggs
As goslings will appear,
Beginning once again the flow
Of life that marks each year.
 For somehow in God’s well-planned world
The creatures sense the flow
Of how the seasons come and change,
How spring will melt the snow.
How fields will turn to summer green
And trees in verdant dress
Will slowly change to colored garb
As autumn starts to press.
And once again as harvest ends,
And weather starts to cool,
How dare they say there is no God,
How easy those to fool.
But now the spring is close at hand
And winter will release,
It’s time to hear all nature sing
The words of joy and …