Monday, December 21, 2015

Rev Up with Rev. Kate!

May God’s Grace and Peace be unto you …

It’s January and we are at the beginning of a New Year and a new beginning in the life of our Church! Over this past Advent Season I have been so graciously welcomed by the Congregation – with open hearts, open minds, and wide-open arms.

For both the congregation and the Minister, beginning a new Call in a new Church is somewhat like an “arranged marriage.” Before I even landed in Topeka, I prayed for each of you. I’ve been told you have prayed for me as your new incoming Pastor.  What courage this takes – what faith!  We both have pledged and purposed to pray for one another, to love one another and to support one another. What an arrangement, indeed!

What a gift we have set before us all. It is a blessing beyond measure. 
God has ordained this time, set apart for us, to grow together, learn together and to bring God’s Blessings to Topeka and beyond. 

What an amazing blessing it is for me personally, and I give thanks – ahead of time - for such a wonderful congregation as Trinity. We have a long future ahead of us as we expand our Church into the community of faith that God has intended for us here at Trinity Presbyterian.  The deep gratitude that I want to impart is said best by the Apostle Paul: “I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love towards all the saints, and for this reason I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.”  What a blessing, indeed.

Continuing on with the theme of new beginnings, my first sermon with you, on December 27, was on the new beginning as seen through the eyes of a courageous Old Testament figure:  John the Baptist.  Let’s take note of his powerful transition of power as Jesus’ ministry begins, as told in the Gospel of Matthew 3:13-17   13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. 14 John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” 15 But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented. 16 And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved,[a] with whom I am well pleased.”

Wow, what a beginning! John the Baptist stepping forward, fully expecting to be blessed by the Messiah, and the Messiah requesting to be blessed by John. What an example of leadership. Here we see a leader who is blessed by one who is led.   Now that is courageous leadership!  John the Baptizer, the cousin of Jesus, paved the way for Christ.  John prepared the people for Jesus’ ministry with a unique ministry of his own, courageously calling people to repent and live out what they claimed to believe. 

This, in part, is my vision for Trinity Presbyterian.  That we, together, will grow in servant leadership.  What a blessing indeed ~ I am excited about the future of our beloved congregation and its impact for God’s Kingdom in the years to come.  Happy New Year, indeed!    

Rev. Kate Huddelson

Monday, December 14, 2015

Wales' Tales 12/14/15

Well, the time has finally come
For us to say “Good-bye”
One last chance to celebrate -
The time has just flown by!
It seems like only yesterday
That we began this trip
New faces and new programs -
Just a fast and furious clip
We started at the end of fall,
And moved through Christmas Eve,
So suddenly did time go by,
A trick that’s up God’s sleeve.
Before we knew it,
Easter time had quickly come and gone,
And summertime arrived
Soon VBS appeared upon
A quickly growing schedule
Of Heat and exercise,
The children in the TDC grew fast
To no one’s real surprise.
We had the basement flooded
At least two times or more,
But with a valiant effort,
We soon dried out the floor.
And then we tried a Summer camp
A week of grace and fun,
With loads of kids and volunteers
Out in the baking sun.
And in a blink the second year
Was getting underway,
And Pastor Kate received a call
That took her far away.
The PNC was hard at work,
To find that special one,
And me, well, I continued to share in all the fun.
With Brown Bag Bible study
And classes to be taught
The Trunk or Treat, baptisms, too.
More fun that I should ought.
But now the time for change has come
My time with you must cease,
I loved being your interim,
And wish you joy and …

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wales' Tales 11/17/15

The memories of Christmas
At this time of year
Are filled with the thoughts
That brings laughter and tear.
The tree with its lights,
The smell of the greens
Remind us of Christmases-
Past family scenes.
Shiny gift bicycles
Sparkling and new,
Dolls in their wrappings
Wishes come true.
Visits by family,
Meals shared with joy,
Taking the moment to show
That new toy.
Sitting with grandpa
Before the bright fire,
Wrapped in the blanket,
Good thoughts did inspire.
Christmas Eve service
So late in the night,
Getting us ready for
Christmas morn light.
Birth of the Savior
In song and word,
Telling the story,
Let Good News be heard.
Carols and tinsel,
Cookies and punch
Leftover turkey
To be next day’s lunch.
All the aromas,
All the old sounds,
Watching for snowflakes
The wind blows around.
Those are the memories
That will never cease.
They bring us a warmth
That will bring us God’s

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veteran's Day Wales' Tale

Fallen heroes on my mind,
Perfect words are hard to find
To offer thanks for all they’ve done
To keep us safe and keep us one.
Offering their finest skills,
Being forced to count the kills
That make war such a gruesome act,
People die and that’s a fact.
And humans just have never found
A way to walk on even ground
Where no one uses deadly force
To try to make their chosen course
Accepted by the other guy
And always leaves us wondering why
We seem to need choose to fight
To prove that we are always right
And when we do, to pay the cost
Those faithful fighters’ lives are lost.
And so we have a holiday
To offer thanks, our debt to pay.
For those who had to give their all,
Who by their comrades had to fall
In places all around the world,
Iraq, in Nam, in Gettysburg,
Where ere the Stars and Stripes unfurled,
Who fought for freedom, where they were
And now it causes hearts to stir.
We thank them for their service brave
Who went to war, freedom to save.
In honor of their gifts and lives,
To make sure that our freedom thrives
We must make sure that wars will cease
And learn to live with all in…          

Wales' Tales 11/11/15

Wind is blowing, leaves are dancing,
Change is in the air!
Time to take a look at things
And make sure all is fair.
Time to put away the stuff
We got for summer play.
Time to make sure we prepare
For winter’s on its way.
Putting all the garden tools
In their storage place.
Getting out the snow shovel
For storms we have to face.
Putting in a stock of wood
The fireplace to fill,
Making sure we take the time
To cover up the grill.
And then it’s time to take a breath
And find a place to rest,
To contemplate the year so far
Considering the best
Of all that God has sent your way
To let you know you’re blessed.
The love of family, laughs and smiles,
Hard work and restful nights,
Great mounds of food to fill your board
And warm celestial lights,
The gentle breeze, the call of birds,
The blooms that came with spring,
A life of blessings piled high
All gifts from God, the king.
For now we come to time for thanks
We gather near and far,
To sit at table, holding hands
Give thanks for who we are –
The children of a gracious God
Whose blessings never cease,
Who welcomes us with open arms
And grants us hope and …