Monday, November 24, 2014

Wales' Tales 11/24/14

Christmas is coming!
The goose is getting fat,
There’s so much that I have to do,
And what do you think of that?
The Christmas rush is all around,
We stagger from the load.
We start to dread the time ahead.
We seek another road
To travel at this time of year
Because the pace is rude.
We have to do so many things to do
All sorts of “musts” intrude.
There’re cards to send and gifts to wrap,
And meals to plan and serve,
At Christmas Eve, we want to shout
Let’s stop it all! but haven’t got the nerve.
Tradition is the reason why we feel a sense of guilt,
We Have to do the things we do
Or the tree will start to wilt.
Creating what we think will cheer
Our family and friends,
Reliving what we always do
And yet perhaps, pretends
To be a way to bring us hope
In a hard and dreary world
When war and hunger, pain and loss
In is oft unfurled.
But somewhere in the clutter
Is the story full of hope,
A child born to change the world,
To teach us how to cope.
A story of redemption
To grant us full release
From all the glitz and glitter
To give us love and…

Monday, November 17, 2014

Wales' Tales 11/17/14

How do I thank a cow or a tree
For all of the things that they’ve given to me?
How do I show my gratitude
To all those who provide me food?
How do I show my heartfelt thanks
When I deserved no more than spanks
And got instead a kiss and a hug,
A knowing glance and a cocoa mug?
I don’t understand why goodness comes
When life is filled with untold sums of
Flowing love and mercy wide
As though the world is on my side,
Somehow the power of God appears,
A river running through the years
That comes to take away my sin,
And lets each new day to begin
As if the past was never there,
It makes no sense. It is not fair,
But mine is not to question why,
To understand or even try
To plumb the depths of God’s intent
Of why this Jesus had been sent
To live among us every day,
Who came to heal, to teach , to pray
And point us to a higher peak,
A road of wisdom we might seek
To live as though we understood
Though we do not, or if we could
We still would echo words of joy,
With praise and thanks to then employ
Our song of thanks would never cease,
Among the faithful, live in…

Friday, November 14, 2014


When was the last time you were really encouraged? Was it something someone said? Was it a gift someone gave you, or feedback on an evaluation? Was it seeing seeds you planted blossom into a delightful bloom (literally or metaphorically)? Was it working really hard at something and succeeding – passing that test, getting that raise? How did it feel to be encouraged? Did you pass that encouragement on?

Read Matthew 25:14-30 and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.

For my last sermon to Trinity, I couldn’t have said it better than Paul did in his letter to the 1 Thessalonians. It is a letter not to condemn other groups but to reassure and encourage the Thessalonians that they are living out their lives as Christian community. Paul wants the Thessalonians to know that they are living in the light – as children of the light. What if the last servant in Matthew’s parable had Christian community in his life, where they encouraged him to use the talent he had been given? How would that had turned out different for him?

In his Church Dogmatics, theologian Karl Barth said that “The first thing we have to say is that Christians …are those who waken up.” As Christians, we live in the light of the resurrection, awakened to God’s love. Yet we are in constant need of having a reawakening – a constant conversion, reformed and always being reformed. We need to help each other stay awake – that constant turning toward the light, waking up once more, is our life of discipleship.

In my time at Trinity, I have witnessed this encouragement, given and received. I have witnessed people building each other up, in the good and the bad. What if all our Christian communities were known more for who they loved and encouraged, instead of who they hate and exclude? What if our members of our Christian communities built each other up instead of tearing each other down or judging each other? What would these children of the light be able to do in our world today?!

 Have you seen our members acting as children of the light? Have you seen someone behind the scenes reach out and support another? If not, I invite you to start it – find someone to encourage, build them up in confidence and in faith. For I have found by encouraging others and body-building, God will transform our hearts and build us up so that we can continue Christ’s work right here in Topeka. As Rev. Dr. John E. Cole puts it, “The best evidence believers have of the assurance of God’s forgiveness and salvation is each other.”

My prayer for Trinity is that even as pastors come and go, you can continue to build up the church, to encourage each other in your faith journeys. That Trinity is continued to be known for who we welcome, not who we exclude. That Trinity continues to body-build as we glorify God, share Christ’s love, and make new disciples.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Kate

Monday, November 10, 2014

Wales' Tales 11/10/14

Knowing the future is not my great gift,
Seeing what will be is beyond my drift.
But in the wisdom of God’s knowing eye,
There are a few things I know will go by.
A time soon is coming when Kate will be gone,
To head for new places that lie just beyond
The place where our vision really can’t see,
It’s part of God’s plan that is just mystery.
We think that we know what God wants us to do,
But when we relax we discover anew
That God in God’s mercy will guide us along,
Will give us the talents that help us be strong
When challenge arises, when walls seem to block,
When wisdom is lacking, when we get a shock.
For what lies ahead is always unclear,
Though we get a sense that God will be near
In spite of our worries, our foibles, our fear
To guide us and lead us on pathways ahead,
So we need not worry of things we might dread.
For God is our keeper, a friend close beside,
Matching our footsteps, with every good stride.
So, sending Kate off with a blessing and hope,
Asking for strength as she broadens her scope,
And knowing that Lee will support as she goes
Reminds us that God will defeat all our foes
And grant her good measure in her ministry.
For Jesus has come so that we may be free
To serve without worry, to care and be fair,
To preach with a boldness that lets her declare
The goodness and mercy of God’s gracious love,
That falls as a blessing from heaven above.
As we here at Trinity grant her release,
We know that our future is set in God’s…

Monday, November 3, 2014

Wales' Tales 11/3/2014

Where do you go when the road has run out?
Who do you trust when there’s no one about?
What do you say when your words are all used?
Why do we struggle when we know we’re accused
Of being unhelpful, of being so cruel?
We find that we’re painted as being a fool
For having a faith in a God high above
Who sees us and knows us and grants us great love.
We have not seen, nor touched this One God,
Nor heard a great voice so they say that it’s odd
That we should believe in a God who gives hope,
Who offers forgiveness and helps us to cope
With all of life’s trials and all of life’s cares
How can we have faith? says the mocker who dares.
But for those who are faithful, who believe with their heart,
The knowledge of God is the place that we start.
It’s not found in words, though words often guide,
It’s not in the sermon, where truth may reside.
It’s not in the music, though it touches the soul,
It’s not in the prayers, when they make us feel whole.
An awareness of God comes from deep in our heart
It touches our being and sets us apart.
We know when God’s with us when trials we face,
When danger is near, we know God’s in this place.
A feeling so real that we know that it’s true.
A sense of God’s presence as we make it through
The ups and the downs of each passing day,
The twisting and turning that leads us to pray
“Dear God, we’re not worthy of your gracious love,
And yet you still hold us in your open glove,
With gentle resolve and your word to the wise,
Our prayesrs of thanksgiving rise up to the skies.
For we sense your presence as our lives increase
In blessings and mercy, we live in your…