Thursday, November 29, 2012

Prepare Your Heart: Let Your Heart Lead the Way

How do we read the signs of the times today?  If we pay attention to newspaper headlines and stay up to date with current events, our times can seem absolutely apocalyptic.  Hurricane Sandy causes billions of dollars destroying much of our east coast.  Violence abounds not only in Syria, Israel, Palestine, and Afghanistan, but also in Topeka where headlines steadily remind us of shootings, burglaries, and physical abuse.  We seem determined to violate our environment as the polar ice cap melts faster than ever; our climate continues to warm; and we foul our air and water.

It's amazing how Gospel writer Luke seems to echo similar signs of doom and judgment in Luke 21: 25-36:  "There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves..."  (NRSV v 25) Yet Luke points us toward the second coming of Christ with an urgency that we prepare ourselves:  "But be on your guard.  Don't let the sharp edge of your expectation get dulled by parties and drinking and shopping." (Eugene Peterson, "The Message" Lk 21: 34)

Parties/drinking/shopping - isn't this a large part of how we prepare ourselves for Christmas as we await the birth of the Christ child?  Luke counsels us that whether we are preparing for the birth of Baby Jesus or for the second coming of Christ, we must not let our hearts be weighed down.  Trinity's  Advent sermon series will build on this theme of preparing ourselves:  our hearts, our minds, our homes, and our spirits.

To prepare our hearts, 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 counsels us to "strengthen our hearts in holiness" (v 13a).  Our holiness is not an accomplishment to add to our "to do" lists, but a measure of our relationship to Jesus and our relationship to others in the name of Jesus.  So, preparing our hearts during this season of Advent is opening our hearts to Jesus in daily prayer and opening our hearts to others by serving them with love.  Our hearts are strengthened in holiness as we re-align our hearts with the priorities of Jesus.

May we all be attuned to the signs of the times that twinkle in our hearts as well as in the brightly lit streets and homes of December.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Shelley

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