Thursday, February 13, 2014

To the Angel of Philadelphia

In the days following the Superbowl, I saw a surprising amount of people wearing Broncos apparel. I laughed a little to myself and wondered if they watched the Superbowl – weren’t they embarrassed to identify as a Broncos fan? Weren’t they embarrassed by their team’s performance at the big game, on the national stage? I imagine that’s exactly why they continued to show their support though – they are loyal fans, faithful to their team no matter what happens.

The angel to the church in Philadelphia commends the faithful church for being like a post-Superbowl Broncos fan – continuing to stand up for God’s name in the midst of adversity, to continue to be faithful. If Ephesus was the loveless church and Pergamum the compromising church, Philadelphia is known as the faithful church. As with the other churches, the angel’s message commends their work, makes promises, and leaves them with a challenge or two.

Have you ever thought of Trinity as a faithful church? What does it mean to be a faithful church – that we pray a lot, that we take care of each other, that we take care of strangers, that we believe in and trust in Jesus Christ? What does it mean in your own life to be faithful – faithful to the church, faithful to your friends and family, faithful to your job or school or football team? Are you a bandwagon fan, faithful when things are going right, or are you a diehard fan, faithful even when things are tough?

It’s hard to think that faithfulness is not something we can earn – I mean if we memorize everything about the Broncos, go to all the games, we are faithful fans right? If we learn the Bible, show up to church, enjoy our fellowship together, pray for each other, serve the least of these, we are faithful Christians, right?

At the end of the day, we are still sinners. At the end of the day, our tendency is still towards ourselves instead of others; toward worshiping football instead of God; toward ignoring the angel’s challenge instead of stepping out in faith. We are not always faithful. We try, with the little power that we have.

The Good News in both the angel’s message to Philadelphia and the Psalmist’s writings is that we have  a faithful God. Regardless of how many times we stray, God is still faithful. Regardless of what we forget to do, God still provides. Regardless of how many promises we break, God keeps God’s promises. God continues to show up, God continues to send angels, God continues to send the Holy Spirit to push and pull us into remembering the promises of God. God continues to supply our strength, to guide us in God’s way, and to grant us faith as well as opportunities to be faithful.

Praise be to the God who sends us the gift of faith. Praise be to the God who loves us enough to send angels. May our ears be open.

Grace and peace,

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