Thursday, June 5, 2014

Breaking Out

What was the last great story you told? Was it about the latest clever thing your grandchild accomplished? Was it a classic fairytale? Was it a slightly embellished ‘big fish’ story? Or a completely real story? Was it a Bible story, or an embarrassing story of what happened to you at work?

Often people think of the Bible as a collection of stories. But if we look for the work of the Holy Spirit, we will start to see all the stories as connected – part of one larger story. The story from Acts is no different, as it follows the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. The disciples huddle together, worrying about the future. Will they be arrested? Who will believe what has happened to them? Where will money and food come from? How on earth can anything they do compare to the divine ministry of Jesus?

They sit together, consumed and paralyzed by their problems, until the Holy Spirit enters their very midst and breaks them out of that upper room. The Pentecost story echoes the Genesis story, where the wind/breath/spirit swept over the water at creation. Just as the spirit moved then, so too does the Spirit sweep over the disciples and the crowd at Pentecost, making them a new creation.
In the darkness of their fear, the Holy Spirit pushes the disciples out of the upper room and forces them to tell the story. Like the first creation, the Holy Spirit moves them from darkness to light once more, from death to life, breaking them out from their comfort zones and prisons of anxiety.

As the Holy Spirit shows up, She doesn’t bring any quick fixes or instant solutions to the problems of the disciples. But the Holy Spirit does push the disciples out into the world, reminding them of Jesus’ command to be disciples to the ends of the earth – and conveniently, She pushes them into a crowd filled with people from the ends of the earth!

From where do you need breaking out? What prisons have you created for yourself – prisons of fear, anxiety, guilt, resentment, envy? What is holding our church back from leaving the building and sharing the Good News with everyone we meet, from telling them that “MY CHURCH IS” inviting, witnessing, welcoming, serving, teaching, uniting, and loving?

Look around – how can you break out from the old creation and into the new? How can the Holy Spirit rush over you and give you the courage and ability to speak of God’s deeds of power? This is our story, the story that we can’t help but tell. Our story is tied into the Story that starts with the beginning of time. Our story is that we are empowered to continue the story, to continue the new creation. May it be so.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Kate

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