Monday, November 3, 2014

Wales' Tales 11/3/2014

Where do you go when the road has run out?
Who do you trust when there’s no one about?
What do you say when your words are all used?
Why do we struggle when we know we’re accused
Of being unhelpful, of being so cruel?
We find that we’re painted as being a fool
For having a faith in a God high above
Who sees us and knows us and grants us great love.
We have not seen, nor touched this One God,
Nor heard a great voice so they say that it’s odd
That we should believe in a God who gives hope,
Who offers forgiveness and helps us to cope
With all of life’s trials and all of life’s cares
How can we have faith? says the mocker who dares.
But for those who are faithful, who believe with their heart,
The knowledge of God is the place that we start.
It’s not found in words, though words often guide,
It’s not in the sermon, where truth may reside.
It’s not in the music, though it touches the soul,
It’s not in the prayers, when they make us feel whole.
An awareness of God comes from deep in our heart
It touches our being and sets us apart.
We know when God’s with us when trials we face,
When danger is near, we know God’s in this place.
A feeling so real that we know that it’s true.
A sense of God’s presence as we make it through
The ups and the downs of each passing day,
The twisting and turning that leads us to pray
“Dear God, we’re not worthy of your gracious love,
And yet you still hold us in your open glove,
With gentle resolve and your word to the wise,
Our prayesrs of thanksgiving rise up to the skies.
For we sense your presence as our lives increase
In blessings and mercy, we live in your…

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