Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wales' Tales 03/24/15

How do rabbits, eggs and beans
Tells us what the season means?
All the stuff that seems so good
Is now not really understood.
We hide the eggs, with colors bright,
In hopes of giving some insight
To help explain the Easter tale,
But meaning’s lost beyond the vale
Of knowing what was dearly given,
Why a cross where nails were driven
Into arms outstretched in pain,
What was there for us to gain?
The cost to pay the price for sin
Required sacrifice to win
A battle over death and fear,
Allowing us to dare draw near
To one who did the world create.
Who conquered to remove the hate
That separated us from God.
So willingly the path he trod
That led to darkest Calvary,
To be then nailed upon a tree
By those he came to heal and save,
For them his life he freely gave.
So, finding truth in what we know,
Allows us to regain the flow
Of mercy that will never cease,
As we receive God’s gift of…

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