Monday, August 4, 2014

Wales' Tales 8/4/14

The Dog Days of summer are just about gone,
And school bells are ready to ring,
And life in the fast lane begins once again,
Who knows what that future will bring?
Already our calendars start to fill up
With all sorts of things we must do.
And why we’re so busy is anyone’s guess,
For many, we haven’t a clue.
Perhaps it’s the pace of a fast growing world.
Perhaps it’s because of our dread
Of sitting alone without something to do
Or because of some stuff that we read.
To sit and be idle without our TV’s,
Or cellphones or computer screens
Suggests that we’re somehow afraid
Of the noise in our minds that occasionally screams.
A noise that suggests we’re alone and afraid,
Disconnected and cut off from life;
A jumble of thoughts that well up from our soul
Which reveal inner turmoil and strife.
Our so busy world is afraid of a place
Where silence can speak to within,
A place where the rhythm of life can be heard,
Where deep thoughts can get under our skin.
With questions like “Why”, of purpose and need,
Asking for meaning and light,
A place where the voice of God can be heard
That pierces the darkness of night.
Before summer ends and the race gets it start,
Take time to just sit and release
All the noise of our culture that fills up our lives,
And discover the joy of God’s…

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