Monday, July 28, 2014

Wales' Tales July 28,2014

Once in a while the world seems to be
A cauldron of horror and vice,
A place where no child should ever be
Born, because it’s just not very nice.
There’s bombings and murders,
Corruption and pain,
Planes blowing way up in the sky,
Where armies and rebels continue to fight
And everyone just wonders why.
Then earthquakes, tornadoes, and drought
All appear
Taking their toll as they move,
Hurricanes, wild fires, landslides and floods,
As if they had something to prove.
Yet in the beginning, the Lord said,
“It’s good!”
“It’s Just what I want it to be.”
A beautiful world filled with wonder and joy,
With mountains and valleys and sea.
The problem is often that we human beings
Are often the cause of the stress.
Our pride and our hubris can get in the way
Leaving everything else in a mess.
We think that we know how life should be lived
The ins and the outs of each day,
And for those assumptions , the thoughts that we have
End up making everyone pay.
We pay for pollution, for hunger and pain,
For abuse and excess and war,
We use God’s creation with hardly a thought
Then with nerve, ask for more.
Some day we may learn that God’s plan is complete,
When we follow, our trials will cease,
We’ll get to the point where we care for God’s world
And let God’s creation find…

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